There are two ways you can find loads for your fleet using the CX Fleet app.
- Load Alerts
- Manual Search
How to find loads using Load Alerts
Before you can start receiving load alerts on your mobile from the CX Fleet app, you need to make sure your settings are correct.
Step 1) Log in to the CX Fleet app.
Step 2) Make sure your GPS tracking is enabled.
Step 3) Open the drop-down menu on the left of the screen and tap on ‘Settings’.
Step 4) Under ‘Notifications Setting’, make sure ‘Notify when tracked’ is enabled. Under ‘Push Notifications’, tap on ‘Load Alerts’.
Step 5) Make sure ‘Allow Notification’ is enabled and under where it says, ‘When the App is running’, make sure ‘Show banners’ is enabled too. If you want the alerts to make a sound, enable ‘Allow sounds’.
All applications on your mobile phone send you notifications in the form of banner alerts. When the Exchange notifies you of newly posted loads, you’ll be notified in this very same way. You’ll see a banner appear at the top of your mobile phone.
Step 6) Tap on the banner to open the load notification.
Here you can see the details of the load, the payment terms, name of the customer’s business and type of vehicle needed.
Step 7) Tap ‘View on Map’ to get a better idea of the distance to pick up.
Step 8) In this example, there is no green ‘Quote Now’ button available, which means the member doesn’t want electronic quotes. They’ve included their phone number, which means you can either message them on the app or call them directly about the load.
Top Tip: Don’t forget to have the load ID and your member ID ready when you call them.
If the member does accept eQuotes, you will see the green button ‘Quote Now’ on the load notification.
Top Tip: Make sure you read their notes very carefully. In this example, they’ve said ‘EQUOTES ONLY’, which means you have to respect that request. If you start calling or emailing them, it’s unprofessional.
How to find loads using Manual Search
Another way you can use the CX Fleet app to find loads is by running a manual search from within the app itself.
Step 1) Log in to the CX Fleet app.
Step 2) Tap on the ‘Loads’ tile.
Step 3) Tap on ‘Alerts’. The red icon with the numbers indicates the number of new load alerts.
Step 4) This will open the alerts feed where you can browse the loads you’d like to quote on.
If you have precise requirements for the load and would like to run a manual search, go back to the 'Loads’ tile and tap on ‘Search Loads’.
Enter your search criteria and tap ‘Search’ when done.