What does it mean to be Trustd verified?
What does it mean to be TEG compliant?
What are the benefits of getting Trustd verified?
How does Trustd verify my identity?
What are the GDPR implications of Trustd?
What documents do I need to get TEG compliant?
What is an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO)?
What documentation do Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) need to provide?
What does it mean to connect to TEG through Trustd?
Is getting Trustd verified mandatory?
Why can't I trade on the TEG platform if I’m not TEG compliant?
I’ve failed to become TEG compliant. Why?
What is the relationship between TEG and Trustd?
How will Trustd improve the security of the TEG platform?
How does TEG get access to my data stored in Trustd?
Can I edit my details once I’ve submitted my Trustd profile for review?
Will Trustd remind me if a document is set to expire?
What is the Trustd shield in the TEG platform?
Where does Trustd shield appear in the platform?
Can I view another business’ Trustd profile?
What can I view on another business’ Trustd profile (if they grant me access)?
What is Trustd?
TEG has partnered with Trustd to help make our compliance process more thorough. Trustd is a digital ID and business verification platform, built specifically for people and businesses who work in transport and logistics.
TEG is using Trustd to help minimise risk and make it safer for everyone to trade on the TEG platform. Trustd brings in biometric face ID and automation technology to do this.
What does it mean to be Trustd verified?
In short, being Trustd verified means that your identity — and the identity of your business — has been confirmed through a range of external checks. Getting Trustd verified is now the first step in the compliance process required to access the TEG platform.
What does it mean to be TEG compliant?
Being TEG compliant means that you are Trustd verified, you’ve completed the additional sections in Trustd (vehicle details, documents, TEG onboarding), and your application has been approved by TEG.
Take a look at the diagram below to see how the process works, step by step.
What are the benefits of getting Trustd verified?
The main benefit of getting Trustd verified is that it’s the first step of the process in becoming TEG compliant.
Apart from this, Trustd also functions as a convenient, secure place where you can store all your relevant documents and credentials. Plus, there’s a helpful ongoing monitoring feature, which notifies you when any of your documents are about to expire.
How does Trustd verify my identity?
Trustd uses biometric ID technology to carry out facial recognition, which confirms that your face matches your photo ID. It also carries out liveness checks, which confirm that you’re a real, living and moving person.
To identify your business, Trustd checks the data you provide against sources like the DVLA and Companies House to accurately verify your credentials.
What are the GDPR implications of Trustd?
The Trustd platform and products are all compliant with the current data protection and privacy legislation. That includes GDPR in Europe, and BIPA in the USA. Once you have a Trustd profile, you have full control over who you share your data with. Take a look at the data security section in the Trustd FAQs to find out more.
How do I get TEG compliant?
To get TEG compliant, you’ll need to follow these three steps below:
Step #1 - get Trustd verified
Firstly, find the email from TEG inviting you to set up your Trustd account. To create your profile, you’ll need to input information about you and your business, and then you’ll go through ID verification. Be sure to have your mobile phone and drivers’ licence ready, as you’ll be asked to scan your licence and take a selfie.
Your business information will then be automatically checked against external sources. Trustd will be in touch to let you know if you’re Trustd verified, or if you need to make some changes to your profile.
Step #2 - complete additional sections in Trustd
Now you’re Trustd verified, you’ve got to pass the next stage of the TEG compliance process in order to trade on the TEG platform.
Upload all the relevant information about your vehicles, and any supporting documents. Make sure you have some clear photos of your vehicle(s), and input your MOT number(s) accurately. Don’t forget to upload a copy of your vehicle insurance, proof of address, and goods in transit insurance.
You can check the specific documentation you’ll need here.
Step #3 - TEG reviews your application, and will approve or decline
Next, the TEG compliance team will review the information and files you shared about your vehicle(s), and confirm if your documents meet TEG compliance standards.
At this stage, you’ll already be Trustd verified, and once you’ve been notified that you’re TEG compliant too, you’ll be able to access the TEG platform.
What documents do I need to get TEG compliant?
The documents you’ll need to be TEG compliant vary according to your subscription type.
Sole traders operating on CX, you’ll need:
Proof of identity - one of the following
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Passport
Note: If you'll be driving a vehicle you need to provide both documents.
Proof of residential address
Note: If you've already provided a UK drivers licence as proof of identity, this section is not needed.
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Bank statement (dated within the last 3 months)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Mortgage agreement
- Rental agreement
Proof of trading address - one of the following
- Tenancy agreement
- Building society or credit union statement (most recent)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Utility bill: gas, electricity, water or landline phone (most recent)
- Credit card or bank statement
Additional documents and information
- VAT number (if applicable)
- Vehicle / Fleet Insurance
- Goods in Transit or Freight Liability Insurance (in your name/your business name)
- Specialist services certificates (if applicable)
- Bank account details where you want to receive payments into. Note: this cannot be an external invoice factoring account.
Watch this video for a guided walkthrough on becoming TEG compliant as a sole trader.
Limited companies operating on CX, you’ll need:
Proof of identity - one of the following
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Passport
Note: If you'll be driving a vehicle you need to provide both documents.
Proof of residential address - one of the following
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Bank statement (dated within the last 3 months)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Mortgage agreement
- Rental agreement
Proof of trading address - one of the following
- Tenancy agreement
- Building society or credit union statement (most recent)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Utility bill: gas, electricity, water or landline phone (most recent)
- Credit card or bank statement
Additional documents and information
- VAT number (if applicable)
- Vehicle / Fleet Insurance
- Company registration number
- Goods in Transit or Freight Liability Insurance (in your company name) with the minimum coverage of £1,300 per tonne, in accordance with RHA conditions
- Specialist services certificates (if applicable)
- Bank account details where you want to receive payments into. Please note this cannot be an external invoice factoring account.
Watch this video for a guided walkthrough on becoming TEG compliant as a limited company.
Unincorporated members on HX, you’ll need:
Proof of identity - one of the following
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Passport
Note: If you'll be driving a vehicle you need to provide both documents.
Proof of residential address - one of the following
Note: If you've already provided a UK drivers licence as proof of identity, this section is not needed.
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Bank statement (dated within the last 3 months)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Mortgage agreement
- Rental agreement
Proof of trading address - one of the following
- Tenancy agreement
- Building society or credit union statement (most recent)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Utility bill: gas, electricity, water or landline phone (most recent)
- Credit card or bank statement
Additional documents and information
- VAT number (if applicable)
- Vehicle / Fleet Insurance
- Goods in Transit or Freight Liability Insurance (in your company name) with the minimum coverage of £1,300 per tonne, in accordance with RHA conditions
- Specialist services certificates (if applicable)
- Bank account details where you want to receive payments into. Please note this cannot be an external invoice factoring account.
Watch this video for a guided walkthrough on becoming TEG compliant as a sole trader.
Limited companies on HX, you’ll need:
Proof of identity - one of the following
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Passport
Note: If you'll be driving a vehicle you need to provide both documents.
Proof of residential address - one of the following
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Bank statement (dated within the last 3 months)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Mortgage agreement
- Rental agreement
Proof of trading address - one of the following
- Tenancy agreement
- Building society or credit union statement (most recent)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Utility bill: gas, electricity, water or landline phone (most recent)
- Credit card or bank statement
Additional documents and information
- VAT number (if applicable)
- Vehicle / Fleet Insurance
- Company registration number
- Goods in Transit or Freight Liability Insurance (in your company name) with the minimum coverage of £1,300 per tonne, in accordance with RHA conditions
- Specialist services certificates (if applicable)
- Bank account details where you want to receive payments into. Please note this cannot be an external invoice factoring account.
Watch this video for a guided walkthrough on becoming TEG compliant as a limited company.
Freight forwarders & 3PLs, you’ll need:
Proof of identity - one of the following
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Passport
Note: If you'll be driving a vehicle you need to provide both documents.
Proof of residential address - one of the following
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Bank statement (dated within the last 3 months)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Mortgage agreement
- Rental agreement
Proof of trading address - one of the following
- Tenancy agreement
- Building society or credit union statement (most recent)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Utility bill: gas, electricity, water or landline phone (most recent)
- Credit card or bank statement
Additional documents and information
- VAT number (if applicable)
- Vehicle / Fleet Insurance
- Company registration number
- Goods in Transit or Freight Liability Insurance (in your company name) with the minimum coverage of £1,300 per tonne, in accordance with RHA conditions
- Specialist services certificates (if applicable)
- Bank account details where you want to receive payments into. Please note this cannot be an external invoice factoring account.
Watch this video for a guided walkthrough on becoming TEG compliant as a limited company.
What is an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO)?
An Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is an individual that benefits from a company without being its named owner.
If your limited company has UBOs other than the applicant director, Trustd will automatically identify those who own 25% or more of the business and request relevant information.
What documentation do Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO) need to provide?
The applicant director must provide the following documentation for all UBOs identified by Trustd:
Proof of identity - one of the following
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Passport
Proof of residential address - one of the following
- UK/EU drivers licence
- Bank statement (dated within the last 3 months)
- Council tax bill (most recent)
- Mortgage agreement
- Rental agreement
Additional information
- Date of birth
Still not sure which documents you need? Have a look at the full TEG-Trustd compliance checklist for more information.
What does it mean to connect to TEG through Trustd?
To share your Trustd profile with TEG, please accept the invitation on your dashboard.
Once you accept the invitation, your Trustd profile and relevant documents will be shared with the TEG team. Once TEG has completed a review of your documents, you receive confirmation on whether you meet the TEG compliance criteria.
If you don’t meet those criteria, TEG may request extra information or documents to support your profile.
If any element of your Trustd profile changes or expires - like your MOT, business name or insurance - TEG will be notified. If you don’t update these documents, you may no longer meet TEG’s compliance standards, which may result in your access to the platform being restricted.
Your Trustd profile also allows you to share your verified business status with any other businesses you may wish to work with. Businesses may invite you to join their Trustd network, and you’ll be able to manage these invitations on your Trustd dashboard.
Is getting Trustd verified mandatory?
Yes, joining Trustd, creating a profile and getting Trustd verified is a mandatory step if you’d like to continue using the TEG platform. This is because being Trustd verified is now a compulsory part of the TEG compliance process. If you don’t want to get Trustd verified, you won’t be TEG compliant, and therefore will not be able to trade on the TEG platform.
Why can't I trade on the TEG platform if I’m not TEG compliant?
Verifying your business identity and passing the TEG compliance checks help us to improve the integrity of the platform, and maximise the security of each transaction that takes place on it. We ask every single business that operates on the platform to go through the same Trustd verification and TEG compliance process. This is so we can ensure that the Exchange remains a network of credible and compliant businesses.
I’ve failed to become TEG compliant. Why?
Don’t worry if you don’t become TEG compliant on the first try. If your application is declined you’ll get an email explaining why and what you need to do, to re-submit your profile again for review.
Here are some things you can check to make sure your profile is approved:
- all information you have provided is correct
- all documents are uploaded
- all documents are complete and legitimate
- all documents are valid and in date
- the correct documents have been uploaded
- the information provided in your documents is correct
- you have accepted the connection request with TEG. (This ensures your profile is submitted for review)
What is the relationship between TEG and Trustd?
TEG and Trustd were both founded by CEO Lyall Cresswell, but the two businesses are separate, and operate independently from one another. With over 20 years’ experience in the transport and logistics industry, Lyall has seen the risks that come from unverified identity. He founded Trustd to set a new standard for digital ID in transport and logistics.
That’s why TEG has appointed Trustd as its new compliance partner, to help strengthen its compliance standards and provide clear identity verification.
How will Trustd improve the security of the TEG platform?
Security has always been a priority for TEG. Members have always been asked to pass compliance checks before being able to operate on the platform and adhoc ongoing checks were manually carried out by our compliance team.
As the transport and logistics industry evolves its practices, it’s important that TEG does too. TEG is committed to increasing the integrity of the platform, and leading the way in security standards.
That’s why TEG has partnered with Trustd, which uses advanced technology to provide more thorough identity checks. Trustd also has an ongoing monitoring feature, which allows both you and TEG to see when your documents are due to expire.
These documents used to be checked manually, but with ongoing monitoring, you’ll have plenty of notice when your documents are up for renewal. This means you stay TEG compliant, and the TEG community can see your compliance status too.
How does TEG get access to my data stored in Trustd?
TEG can only view the data you store in Trustd once you connect with us. Once you connect with TEG via Trustd, you are agreeing to share your data and documents with us. TEG only uses the data you upload to Trustd as a means of determining your compliance and payment verification status.
Can I edit my details once I’ve submitted my Trustd profile for review?
To edit your details, please contact Trustd via the live chat feature. Once all your new details are Trustd verified, any updates you made will show up on your profile.
Will Trustd remind me if a document is set to expire?
Yes, Trustd has an ongoing monitoring feature which means any documents due to expire are flagged in your dashboard. You’ll also receive several email reminders in the lead up to expiry. The first email reminder is 7 days, 2 days and then 24 hours before the document expires.
We recommend adding [onboardingteam@trustd.net] to your contact list, so these emails don’t end up in your junk!
If you don’t upload new and valid documents to your Trustd profile before the expiry date, you’ll no longer be TEG compliant, and you won’t be able to trade on the TEG platform.
What is the Trustd shield in the TEG platform?
The Trustd shield is a visual signal that indicates your TEG compliance status.
- A blue shield means that your business is TEG compliant
- A grey shield means that you’re Non compliant
Where does the Trustd shield appear in the platform?
Your Trustd shield will appear on your TEG profile – and you can also find it next to your business name in various places on the TEG platform, such as:
The Directory
Live Availability
Can I view another business’ Trustd profile?
Yes, you can view another business’ Trustd profile, as long as they grant you access. Simply click on a profile, then click on their Trustd shield in the top-right corner. Next, hit ‘Request Access’ and then click ‘ok’.
The business you sent the request to will then get an email for them to approve or reject the request.
What can I view on another business’ Trustd profile (if they grant me access)?
This depends on the business’ subscription type. Typically, these are the documents you can view on a Trustd profile:
Owner drivers:
- Business information
- Vehicle information
- Vehicle insurance
- Goods in transit insurance
- Operator's licence (if applicable)
Courier fleets (with directly employed drivers):
- Business information
- Vehicle information
- Goods in transit insurance
For courier fleets (with no directly employed drivers) and 3PLs/freight forwarders, you can only view their business information.
Please note, the link to view a Trustd profile will only be valid for 12 hours, and profiles can only be viewed for 60 minutes once the link is clicked.