When you access our platform, you’ll be asked to give your consent for us to access your cookies.
Simply put, cookies are a way for us to access information. They’re a small file of letters and numbers which we store on your browser or computer hard drive. This allows us to track your usage of our service and optimise your experience.
Please note, giving us consent to use your cookies means we may pass on your statistical data to third-party affiliates.
Click here to learn how to manage your cookies on our platform.
The Platform cookies we use are listed below.
Cookie Name | Example | Description | Type | Cookies Categorisation |
Before Login | ||||
cxlang | en_US |
Automatically translate text on login page into the language that the member chose last time in the language dropdown on Login page. |
Necessary | |
After login | ||||
SESSIONID | E94B08C592BCB2FC2DCCFED9C054C34F | Spring security cookie | Security | Necessary |
cxlang | en_US |
Automatically translate text on application into the language that the member chose last time in the language dropdown on 'My Profile' screen. |
Necessary | |
_ga | GA1.2.1032090600.1666966257 |
distinguish individual users and track how they engage with a specific page |
Analytical | Not necessary |
_gid | GA1.2.1233184072.1666966257 |
distinguish individual users and track how they engage with a specific page |
Analytical | Not necessary |
loggedInUserId | 1 | user_id of logged in user. For New Auth release. |
Necessary | |
jwt_token_cookie |
eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9. eyJhdXRoX3Rva2VuIjoi e1widXNlcklkXCI6MSxc Im1lbWJlcklkXCI6MjIyM zEsXCJjb21wYW55SWR cIjoxMDAsXCJ4c3JmVG 9rZW5cIjpcImY2YzQxN WVkLTAwOTEtNDJkZi04 NzRlLTkzNTBlNjM4MmQ 5OVwiLFwidXNlcm5hbW VcIjpcInRlc3QxXCIsXCJ1 c2VyUm9sZVwiOlwiQ1hf VVNFUlwiLFwiY29tcGFue VVzZXJSb2xlXCI6XCJDT 01QQU5ZX0FETUlOXCIs XCJhcHBUeXBlXCI6bnVs bCxcImxvZ2luU291cmNl XCI6XCJXRUJfQ0xJRU5U XCIsXCJiZWhhbGZPZkN vbXBhbnlJZFwiOm51bGw sXCJlbWFpbFwiOm51bG wsXCJmdWxsTmFtZVwi Om51bGx9IiwiZXhwIjox NjY3MDA5NjUzfQ.1UzMr SAQcBOkea6IvCNhp81E RU6EZinQ4tBhiNBs9pHe i8Ch4Booh7Cqd5IVeGzj GmhnHwQ-IWVrAqNPOc BCdnJT-vRVKoBzMNgkFYX0Wxpw Np5MWykqny5xPl4Rr5ZR bHJ7eO585ogq8FuhdYVg vwez1a6BqLBJ3hKO6wlm -dLMz-xnO8YX2DpaiN0oS D_TZtLZ-z4ZqgCAba1- |
Payload: { "auth_token": "{\"userId\":user ID of logged in user, \"memberId\": member ID of logged in user, \"companyId\": organisation id of logged in user, \"xsrfToken\": token is used for single session, \"username\": username, \"userRole\": SYSTEM_ADMIN, AD_HOC_CARRIER, CX_USER, SERVICE, NEW_DRIVER, UNVERIFIED_USER \"companyUserRole\": company admin OR company user \"appType\":null, // DEPRECATED \"loginSource\":WEB client, FX login, Spoof login \"behalfOfCompanyId\": is used for depot \"email\":null, // DEPRECATED \"fullName\":null // DEPRECATED }", "exp": 1667009653 // jwt expiration time } |
Necessary | |
xsrf_token_cookie | f6c415ed-0091-42df-874e-9350e6382d99 | use for authentication process (single session) | Necessary | |
cxapp | integra | Whitelabel application of logged in organisation. | Necessary | |
uid | 9ac1a430-dc93-4847-85ab-6e08450cc945 | To identify members who use different browsers, devices to login to Web app. (It was used for debbuging) | Necessary | |
appPath | pp | To identify whether logged in organisation should be redirected to product portal or not. pp - login to product portal cx - login to cx without access to sidebar menu |
Necessary | |
cxsid | 2123 | Subscription ID. To identify what advertising should be displayed for an organisation according to subscription | Advertising | Advertising |
vertx-web.session | 8156e1b74241eb79f937834bcbee803c | For Intant Messanger | Necessary | |
_hjSession_872207 |
Hotjar Cookie. Irrelevant | Analytical | Analytical |
getStartedClosed InfoPopupClosed Closed |
To open popups automatically (e.g. Interstitial Page, Email Verification Popup) | Necessary | ||
Admin Console | ||||
admin_jwt_token_cookie |
wqJhbGciOiJSFzUxMiJ9 .eyJhdXRoX3Rva2VuIjo ie1widXNlcklkXCI6MzI4 ODMyLFwibWVtYmVyS WRcIjpudWxsLFwiY29 tcGFueUlkXCI6MTAwM zY4LFwieHNyZlRva2V uXCI6XCI3ZGUzNTliN C0xMGNhLTRiODEtYj BiMS02OGJkOTFkOD EyZTFcIixcInVzZXJuY W1lXCI6bnVsbCxcInV zZXJSb2xlXCI6XCJTW VNURU1fQURNSU5cIix cImNvbXBhbnlVc2VyU m9sZVwiOm51bGwsX CJhcHBUeXBlXCI6bnV sbCxcImxvZ2luU291c mNlXCI6bnVsbCxcIm JlaGFsZk9mQ29tcGF ueUlkXCI6bnVsbCxcIm JlaGFsZk9mVXNlcklk XCI6bnVsbCxcImVtY WlsXCI6bnVsbCxcIm Z1bGxOYW1lXCI6bn VsbH0iLCJleHAiOjE2N jc0MDAwMDN9.qEAys H3-Ht1Mt00yvzm0Qim-... |
Spoof login | Necessary | |
admin_xsrf_token_cookie |
7de359b4-10ca-4b81 -b0b1-68bd91d812e1 |
Spoof login |