Receiving payments from your Wallet
SmartPay offers a secure and convenient way for you to receive payments for your completed loads. SmartPay payments are sent from your Wallet into your bank account in one lump sum per day. Because of this your payment can be from one or more suppliers.
For example:
A single invoice paid by single customer
Multiple invoices paid by single customer
Multiple invoices paid by multiple customers
When will I receive my payments?
Any payments made into your Wallet during business hours (8 am – 7 pm M – F) will be combined into one lump sum and go to your bank account shortly after 7 pm. You’ll get a popup notification when you login on your desktop and you'll get an email with your remittance advice which includes all the details about each payment.
Payments made outside business hours (including on weekends or bank holidays) will go to your bank account within minutes of each payment – you don’t have to wait until the end of the business day. And you’ll get your remittance advice emailed to you instantly at the time of the payment.
Payment status – from approval to paid
SmartPay automatically tracks your payment status after you create an invoice(s). There are four possible options:
Pending approval: the load poster has not approved your invoice yet
Approved: your invoice has been approved by the load poster
Scheduled: your invoice has been scheduled for payment by the load poster
Paid: your invoice has been paid
System notification
You'll see a popup notification the next time you login that shows your total payment received and the reference number that you'll see on your bank statement.
Remittance advice and email
You’ll get an email and PDF of your remittance advice for all your payments – view the email subject line and email text below.
The remittance advice will show each transaction with a payment reference number. It’s the same reference number you’ll see on your bank statement. Learn more about payment reference numbers.
Subject: You've been paid! View your remittance advice |
Text: You've been paid through SmartPay on the TEG platform!
You've received a total of £1160.00 from 2 customer(s). We've sent your payment to your bank account in Trustd. And we've attached a copy of your remittance advice for your reference.
Details Payment reference - what you'll see on your bank statement: SmartPay tW5H52 Payment date: Tuesday, 11 June 2024 Total: £1160.00 Customers: 2
All the best, Transport Exchange Group
Please note this is an automated email. This mailbox is not monitored for responses. Need help? Contact us |
Payment reference numbers
Every Wallet transaction has a unique reference number which will appear in your SmartPay statements as well as your bank statements, and in your remittance advice email.
Reference numbers are formatted as: SmartPay-XXXXXX
Not getting paid?